Friday 3 April 2015

40k Chaos Space Marine Squad

More Chaos boys. This squad was surprisingly fun to assemble. They're all going to be Word Bearers legion, but not until the Ork vehicles are done. Pics follow.

40k Chaos Terminator Lord and Hellbrute

I splurged a bit and entertained my curiosity with the Chaos boys. Man did it ever pay off! Those terminator lords are wicked. The standard Chaos Space Marine squad is a lot cooler than I expected too. Also picked up a Hellbrute for the lulz. More pics below.

40K Ork Warlord Units

My boy Ghazghkull Thraka and his retinue of meganobz (including a converted Big Mek) in progress (and armless). These big mean bastards are waiting to be primed and painted.

40K Ork Dakkajet Scratchbuild/Conversion

This is one of my side-projects - converting a WWII Fokker plane into an Ork Dakkajet. It needs more armor plates and more general orky goodness but it's getting there.

40k Orks Skullhamma Battlefortress

These are some progress pics of my Skullhamma Battlefortress (which is currently being converted from an absurdly large looted wagon). More pics to follow.

Before I stripped all the bits off. This was my original build.

Working on the stripping effect.

And there goes all the bits

Dry coat of highlights
After all the good dirtying up with Typhus Corrosion

40k Ork artillery gun

This is my hacked-together Ork artillery gun (Lobba) that I recently slapped together. Turned out pretty good! The bits come from some assorted German tank components that I got for cheap from the local hobby shop. More pics to follow after priming.